Anagrammatic Anagram Solver FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Category: Main -> Why is this site differnet from others?

·  Why is this site different than others?

·  Why is this site different than others?

In the last couple of years, there has been an explosion of the number of sites dealing with single word anagrams otherwise know as unscramblers. Most of these are not very good as they have limited word lists, limited number of letters that can be used to find solutions. Most were developed as scrabble game solvers but they are limited.

There are only limited number of sites being able to do two word anagrams and their capabilities were even more limited as one could not select the number of letters per word or displayed only a jumble (no pun intended) of results. I know of no three word anagram solvers.

This site can anagram one, two, of three words allowing the user to select the minimum number of letters per word and provides a simple to understand result page.

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